Parish Council meetings are held every month of the year – generally at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Unless otherwise advertised via the village noticeboards, the meetings are held in the upstairs function room of the Wrea Green Institute.
You will be able to acces shte meeting agenda on this website or by viewing on the village noticeboards on the Thursday prior to the monthly meeting. We are keen to receive comments from the villages on matters arising on the agenda, but ask that you make a request to speak prior to the meeting. This can be done by contacting the clerk. The meetings are also attended by our P.C.S.O., Borough and County Councillors, who deliver their relevant reports relating to parish matters.
In this section you can view past Agendas and Minutes (from January 2020 onwards), and view dates and agendas for upcoming meetings. Click here to access Minutes and Agendas before January 2020.
The next meeting is: There are no upcoming meetings listed. Please contact the Clerk for more information.